Karan Singh


Karan Singhの作品を見れば、世界の至るところで喜びを見つけるアーティストであることが自然と伝わってくるはず。アムステルダム、ニューヨーク、東京、マルメで暮らした経験を持つイラストレーターは、異なる場所で人々がどのように生活して、活動し、人との関係を築いているのかについて深い好奇心を抱いています。グローバルな視点を持ち、好奇心から繰り返し学び続けるKaranとベルロイは、すぐにつながりを見いだすことができました。


“Every time we went somewhere new, we were surrounded by new people, food, cultures and things we never knew existed. We were shining a light into this patch of what was previously darkness for us. I became addicted to the sense of discovery and having that inspiration all the time...”

Karan Singh




“I like to learn, and am constantly looking for ways to push things. Both in my craft and in life. Any time I get to work on a collaboration it is just that – a collaboration, where I can learn more from working with other people. I consider myself a work in progress. And I will be for as long as I am doing this.”


“Because I’ve traveled and moved so much, the things that I want to rely on need to last. I can’t take all the things with me, so I’d rather take one thing that works functionally for my life and will last no matter the scenario. My oldest Bellroy is the [since retired] All-Conditions Essentials Pocket that I got about six years ago, it’s been a really trusty accomplice and hasn’t shown any signs of wear – it’s just built character.”


